Managed Print Service Solutions
The Real Cost of Printing
According to a recent HP whitepaper, “A study by Lyra Research indicates that few network managers and IT departments track printing costs at all. But, an accurate assessment of costs is essential to reducing them. By carefully evaluating the total cost of owning printers and other hard copy solutions–the cost to buy them, plus the cost for supplies and support over the life of the devices–the large enterprise can establish a solid foundation for a plan to significantly reduce costs.” CAP Ventures goes further, concluding that, “It is those companies that cannot consider hard copy to be a core asset, but nevertheless produce large volumes of hard copy, that are in the greatest danger of wasting money by not considering a total cost of ownership model in relation to their hard copy output devices.”
With a Managed Print Services (MPS) program from LaserCycle USA, your business can address these issues, saving up to 30% on the costs associated with printing.
We’ll measure and analyze all equipment, consumables and energy costs, as well as the human factors, like proximity of printing devices to employees, number of different machines in use and security protocols. With one low per-page pricing formula, we can provide total print management for all document devices on your network, with dramatic cost savings.