Have you ever wondered what makes some people more successful than others? It’s not luck, or even necessarily hard work. It’s that they understand the value of time and how to use it to their advantage. Often the difference between being productive and ultra-productive is simply making some adjustments.
Here are some of the traits ultra-productive people share:
- Singular Focus – The ultra-productive know what their most important priority is and work on that task for one or two uninterrupted hours first thing every day. Ask yourself “what is the most important task to attain your goal,” then make it your top priority each day!
- Schedule Minutes Not Hours – Average performers schedule their time in blocks. Sixty minutes here, thirty there. There are 1,440 minutes in a day and the ultra-productive know that nothing is more valuable than time.
- Check Email Less – The ultra-productive aren’t constantly on their phone checking email, or looking every time it pings. Instead, like everything else they schedule times to check and respond. Nothing can’t wait for a few hours. If it’s that important, you’ll get a call.
- Avoid Meetings – Billionaire Mark Cuban was once asked for his best productivity tip. He quickly responded “never attend a meeting unless someone is signing a check!” Meetings are notorious time killers. They often start late, run long and lose focus. Whenever you can get out of a meeting, do it! Hold fewer yourself, and keep them focused and short.
- Live By the 80/20 Rule – The Pareto Principle states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Ultra-productive people understand which efforts provide results and focus on those, ignoring the rest.
- Delegate, Delegate, Delegate! – Ultra-productive people don’t have control issues or micro-manage, they delegate! Don’t ask what I can do to get this done, ask how can I get this done.
Working smarter is better than working harder. With some simple adjustments in your attitude and behaviors you can get more done, move closer to your goals, and still have time for the important things in life.
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528 South Taylor Avenue Louisville, Colorado 80027